Adult Sunday School
Bible Study for adults meets in the Auditorium. This class provides Bible study for the Adults with application and useful tools related to growing as a mature Christian. This class provided an opportunity for our adults to be fed by the Word of God and encourages strengthening our relationship with God.
Teen Ministry
The high school teen boys and girls meet separately on Sunday Morning for Bible Study to learn about topics important to our teens. Our teens are learning to grow into their role as future leaders in their homes and churches. Our teen ministry meets on Wednesday evenings (during the school year) to engage in topics of interest to our teens. Young men and women meet separately in their respective classes to concentrate on topics of interest to them as they grow into their role as future leaders of their families and churches.
Kings Kids Club
This K-8 grade level program follows the King’s Kids program structure. There is a time of Bible Study and Devotion, scripture memory or “Book Time”, games and a snack time with an engaging opening and closing time where our younger kids get to enjoy a fun time with a Spiritual emphasis. Kids earn levels for their work in Scripture Memorization and are recognized with rewards upon completion of the levels. Once each month, we hold a Movie Night on Wednesday evening in place of our youth meetings to watch an encouraging movie and enjoy a fun time together.
Sunday Afternoon Study & Prayer
Our afternoon Bible Study time and prayer time (during the summer months) follows the fellowship meals and focuses on learning topics more informational to our families. This “informal” time includes hymn singing, prayer time and Study of the Word often focused on topics of importance to our families.
Fellowship Meals
The congregation gathers together for an organized meal every other week following the morning Worship Service. The meals are organized by the Hostess Committee and allow the congregation time to fellowship around the dining table, enjoy each other’s company with a good meal, and catch up with one another. It is a “family” time for the congregation to relax and enjoy time in the Lord’s house. Other fellowship activities include Church Picnics, July 4th gatherings, and special outings to encourage one another.
Bethel Baptist Church participates in missions programs to spread the Gospel around the World. We occasionally host missionary speakers who present their ministry to the congregation. Our Church then can provide monetary and prayer support as funds are available to those ministering to the Lost.
Prayer Warriors Group
This group of committed believers gather at the Church on Friday evenings during the school year to focus on the prayer needs of our church and its congregation.